In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), health is maintained by a balance between Yin (female, cool, moist, calm) and Yang (male, hot, dry, active). During the menopause transition, generalized heat and hot flashes are due to Yang Excess (“full heat”) and night sweats are due to Yin Deficiency (“empty heat”). Both types of heat often flare […]
Three (or Four) Bean Salad
This is an updated Mom favorite for picnics and barbecues and is best made the day before the event. Perfect for 4th of July. You will need a 2.5 qt non-metal bowl or dish. Serves 6-8 1 can cut green beans, drained or 1-1/2 cups frozen cut green beans, cooked and chilled 1 can cut […]
Hydration: “Cool” Choices
Staying hydrated is important, yet experts continue to debate whether a person needs the oft recommended “eight 8-ounce glasses of water” a day. Beauty consultants claim that skin benefits from drinking this amount. Massage therapists talk about muscles needing more fluids when working out to be able to “flush toxins away.” Yet, medical professionals declare […]
Buttermilk Cornbread
The Hot Flash DietTM recipe is great year-round. Buttermilk, with its “cool” thermal property according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, helps make this a “cooler” product. Made in a 10-inch cast iron skillet, this serves 8, but you can halve the recipe and use a 6-inch cast iron skillet, also with a bake time of 20-25 […]
Grilling and Hot Flashes: Feeling the Heat
Memorial Day weekend is upon us, ushering in the summer season with trips to the beach and other summer haunts as well as gatherings with friends and family. For many this involves cookouts, big meals, and alcoholic beverages which can precipitate hot flashes and night sweats in perimenopausal women who partake in such fare. If […]
Kaleidoscope Salad
This Hot Flash DietTM recipe is a colorful, festive salad, perfect for Cinqo de Mayo celebrations, just not spicy which would aggravate hot flashes. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the thermal properties of beans and corn are “neutral,” the avocado, mango, and celery are “cool,” and the tomatoes are “cold.” Makes 4+ cups or 4 […]